Tuesday, June 6, 2023 – The need for Native women in finance

Data from Wells Fargo just last year finds women outperform men when it comes to investment performance. That backs up a number of studies that say women are less apt to take big risks that can backfire. At the same time, a new survey by Glassdoor finds almost two-thirds of women in finance believe they’re getting paid less than their male counterparts. Some programs are working to encourage more Native women to enter the finance industry for their own good and the good of their communities.


Leilani Wilson Walkush (Tlingit), chief compliance officer for Breakwater Investment Group, LLC

Elke Chenevey (enrolled member Omaha Tribe of Nebraska), partner and financial advisor for FS Advisors

Brandy Niclai (descendent of the Calista region and Doyon shareholder), chief investment officer of Multi-Asset Strategies at Alaska Permanent Capital Management